Michael TAFE teacher

Thursday, September 07, 2006

RADIO ADVERT ... Should look (and sound!) like this


There are 2 main styles of 'straight' (non-creative) Radio Advertising. If you wish to write a radio advert, this is probably the style you should follow. Creative ads, are very difficult to write, but by all means, if you feel up to it... try it out! I will discuss the basic styles here:

The first style is TWO people speaking. One asks questions, the other answers
SFX: A Johnny Vanguard song (Rolling Haystax) is playing and female(1) voice is singing along with it.
SFX: Door bell continuously rings.
Female 2: Sorry to interrupt, but I heard you rocking out to one of Johnny Vanguard's songs, and I thought you'd be THRILLED to know Johnny is releasing his NEW Album CITIZEN URBAN! on the 2nd of June!
Female1: No WAY! A new JOHNNY VANGUARD Album?
Female2: YES! Citizen Urban! It has loads of songs you can rock to including the smash hits Rain with the sun, Rock the Floor, and Money I don’t need. Citizen Urban is the MUST Have Album for this year.
Female1: Where can I get it from!?
Female2: You can purchase Citizen Urban from ANY leading music stores near you from the 2nd of June! or download it at iTunes or http://johnnyvanguard.blogspot.com/, but wait there's more... with every purchase receive your very own signed Johnny V poster, but hurry, stocks are limited.
SFX: Johnny Vanguard's music fades out.

The second style is one person speaking with SFX/Music in the background:


The incredible Johnny Vanguard is preparing to launch his much anticipated NEW ALBUM, Old Revival Back Home, Featuring his new hit single- “Resurgence”!
Next Thursday, May 1st the rocking third album ‘Old Revival’ will be launched at the Gaellic Club in Sydney with a selection of songs performed by Johnny himself!
It will all kick off at 7pm. Free entry, great music performances and the new album! This is the first we have heard from Johnny, and it’s about time! This album is a loud and mottled compilation of songs ... and it definitely ROCKS!
There’s no sign this music legend is going anywhere without another ARIA. Already commended for beautiful beats and exceptional drum work, Rolling Stain says this album is 'worthy of a goood listen'. ‘Old Revival’ is a tribute to rock, incorporating an amazing collection of rock styles, and as the name suggests- Vanguard is reviving a lot of his old styles including some acid rock…
Vanguard won’t be promoting this album anywhere else in Sydney!
Not even ‘Back Home' .... Where ever that is!
So, be at the Gaellic Club, May 1st, 7pm OR make sure you grab the album-
IN STORES FROM May 3rd or download ringtones and samples at http://johnnyvanguard.blogspot.com/


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